News list for " wednesdays in"

Crypto Wallet Phantom Surpasses WhatsApp and Instagram in iOS Popular Free Apps

Cryptocurrency wallet platform Phantom hit an all-time high in the iOS app store on Wednesday. Phantom ranked ninth in free iPhone apps, the first time Phantom entered the top 10. It trailed eighth-ranked short video app TikTok, but surpassed messaging platform WhatsApp and social media giant Instagram, which ranked 13th and 14th respectively in free apps. In addition, Phantom ranked second in free utility apps on the iOS App Store on Wednesday, just behind Google's search engine.

2024-11-20 20:44:29
Coinbase spokesperson: Harris does not directly accept cryptocurrency donations, but rather its PAC accepts them

Coinbase CFO Alesia Haas said at a Citigroup event on Wednesday that Harris "is accepting crypto donations," a statement that appears to be incorrect. A Coinbase spokeswoman said Alesia Haas was referring to Future Forward USA PAC, which is committed to supporting Kamala Harris, not Harris' campaign. "Coinbase can confirm that Future Forward PAC has partnered with Coinbase Commerce to accept cryptocurrency donations," the spokeswoman said. Harris' campaign website is...

2024-09-04 22:40:54
The BlackRock iShares Ethereum ETF will be listed on the B3 exchange in Brazil on Wednesday

BlackRock will list its iShares Ethereum Trust (ETHA) on the B3 exchange in Brazil on Wednesday, according to local media Portal do Bitcoin. The ETF will trade under the ticker ETHA39 in the form of Brazilian depositary receipts (BDRs), certificates representing shares of foreign companies traded in the South American country. In March, BlackRock's iShares Bitcoin Trust ETF (IBIT) also began trading on the Brazilian stock exchange, which has become a solid market for institutional products. In a...

2024-08-27 21:17:33
Ripple CEO: Harris Could Reset US Cryptocurrency Regulation

Ripple CEO Brad Garlinghouse shared his thoughts on VP Kamala Harris and cryptocurrency policy on social media platform X on Wednesday. First, he warned that "making conclusions and assumptions about candidates based purely on political positions without any policy recommendations is hindering the development of the crypto industry (similar to what tribalism has done for years)," adding: Vice President Harris on...

2024-07-26 07:48:36
Bloomberg senior ETF analyst: Solana ETF could be approved by mid-March 2025 at the latest

Bloomberg senior ETF analyst Eric Balchunas explained on social media platform X on Wednesday that it appears the final deadline for the Solana ETF is mid-March 2025. But the most important date between now and then is November. If Biden wins, these ETFs are likely to be eliminated. If Trump wins, anything is possible.

2024-07-11 02:59:46

7x24 Newsflash

14:31 2025-03-18
美国国会议员Nick Begich:美国应购买并持有全部比特币的5-15%
美国国会议员 Nick Begich 表示,美国应购买并持有全部比特币的 5-15%,他认为如果法定货币崩溃,比特币储备将为人们提供后备支持。 Nick Begich 此前曾呼吁让美国成为第一个比特币超级大国,并宣布将在美国众议院提出 2025 年比特币法案。
14:28 2025-03-18
3月18日消息,据CoinDesk报道,欧洲工业技术巨头西门子(Siemens) 将采用 Minima 的 IoT 区块链技术,并将其嵌入汽车、机器人和能源设备,以提升数据安全性和去中心化能力。Minima 允许物联网(IoT)设备运行完整节点,使其无需依赖中央服务器即可独立参与区块链网络,确保数据完整性和信任机制。
14:19 2025-03-18
BlackRock、Superstate、Centrifuge 获 Sky 10 亿美元 RWA 代币化资产投资
3月18日消息,据CoinDesk报道,Sky(前 MakerDAO) 计划向 BlackRock-Securitize、Superstate 和 Centrifuge 的代币化美国国债产品投资 10 亿美元,以加速 DeFi 平台 Spark 上 RWA(现实世界资产) 的采用。 其中,BlackRock-Securitize 发行的 BUIDL 将获 5 亿美元,Superstate 的 USTB 获 3 亿美元,Centrifuge 的 JTRSY 获 2 亿美元。该决策由 Steakhouse Financial 评估 39 家申请者后确定,最终分配仍需治理批准。
14:16 2025-03-18
「50倍巨鲸」MELANIA 5倍做多仓位由盈转亏,浮亏约4.62万美元
13:58 2025-03-18
惠誉在最新公布的全球经济展望中表示,预计今年全球经济增长将放缓至2.3%,远低于趋势水平,也低于2024年的2.9%。同时惠誉将美国经济增长预测从去年12月的2.1%下调至1.7%,并将2026年的增长预测从1.7%下调至1.5%。 惠誉表示,关税上调将导致美国消费者价格上涨,降低实际工资,增加企业成本,政策不确定性...
13:51 2025-03-18
13:48 2025-03-18
Coinglass 数据显示,过去 1 小时全网爆仓 2336.86 万美元,其中多单爆仓 2224.28 万美元,空单爆仓 112.58 万美元。
13:42 2025-03-18
美股开盘加密货币股票跌幅扩大,Micro Strategy大跌6.99%
据行情信息,美股开盘,标普500指数跌0.29%,纳斯达克指数跌0.36%。加密货币股票开盘跌幅扩大,其中:Coinbase(COIN)跌3.2%;特斯拉(TSLA)跌5.85%;Micro Strategy(MSTR)跌6.99%;MARA Holdings(MARA)跌5.16%;Hut 8 Corp.(HUT)跌5.13%。
13:39 2025-03-18
13:33 2025-03-18
数据:某巨鲸解质押近 6 万枚 SOL 并将逾 4700 枚 SOL 转入币安
据 Onchain Lens 监测,在沉寂四个月后,某巨鲸解质押 59,791.88 枚 SOL(737 万美元),并且并将 4,791.88 枚 SOL (59.2 万美元)转入币安。
13:30 2025-03-18
Solana RWA协议ORO完成150万美元Pre-Seed融资
据官方公告,Solana 生态 RWA(现实世界资产)协议 ORO 完成 150 万美元 Pre-Seed 轮融资,由 468 Capital 领投,Fasset、Collective、Dead King Ventures 及多位天使投资人 参投。ORO 旨在将黄金代币化,使其成为可质押、借贷、赚取收益的链上资产。团队计划利用新资金扩展开发并推动黄金在 Solana DeFi 生态的应用。
13:27 2025-03-18
灰度向 Coinbase Prime转移3753枚ETH,价值712万美元
据Arkham监测,1分钟前灰度向Coinbase Prime转移3753枚ETH,价值712万美元。